Advanced Placement
The Difference Between AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2
As you're deciding which AP®courses to take next school year, you may find yourself wondering about the differences between courses that have similar names. In this post, we’re breaking down the differences between AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based and AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based.
What are AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based and AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based?
AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based is an introductory course in which you will explore the foundational principles of physics with hands-on laboratory learning.
The units included in this course and exam are:
- Kinematics (Unit 1)
- Force and Translational Dynamics (Unit 2)
- Work, Energy, and Power (Unit 3)
- Linear Momentum (Unit 4)
- Torque and Rotational Dynamics (Unit 5)
- Energy and Momentum of Rotating Systems (Unit 6)
- Oscillations (Unit 7)
- Fluids (Unit 8)
AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based is a course in which you will explore additional topics in physics with hands-on laboratory learning.
The units included in this course and exam are:
- Thermodynamics (Unit 9)
- Electric Force, Field, and Potential (Unit 10)
- Electric Circuits (Unit 11)
- Magnetism and Electromagnetism (Unit 12)
- Geometric Optics (Unit 13)
- Waves, Sound, and Physical Optics (Unit 14)
- Modern Physics (Unit 15)
How are these courses different?
The AP Physics 1 course is equivalent to a first-semester college course in algebra-based physics. At the time you start taking this course, it's beneficial to have completed a course in geometry and be taking (or have completed) a course in algebra 2.
The AP Physics 2 course is equivalent to a second-semester college course in algebra-based physics. At the time you start taking this course, you should have already taken AP Physics 1 and be taking (or have completed) a course in precalculus.
The AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2 courses contain similar content to what is taught in AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism. However, both AP Physics C courses are calculus-based. At the time you start taking either AP Physics C course, you should be taking (or have completed) a calculus course.
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