SAT Suite
When Do SAT Scores Come Out?
SAT scores from tests taken during the school year are typically available within 2–4 weeks after testing date. The exact time varies depending on whether you took the SAT on a weekend or a school day. We list our score release dates online so that you can mark your calendar:
- Weekend SAT: If you took the SAT on a Saturday, expect your scores approximately 10 business days later.
- SAT School Day: If you took the test in school during the week, scores are typically released 2 weeks after your testing window ends.
SAT Weekend score release is staggered to allow easy access due to the large number of students accessing their results. Some scores are released as early as 6 a.m. and all scores are generally available by 8 p.m. on release day.
SAT School Day scores are generally available starting around 6 p.m. on the day of release.
More information about getting, using, and understanding scores is posted on our website.
If you took the SAT on a School Day, your school counselor will get your score report first and may give it to you early. If you have access to the BigFuture School mobile app , you’ll receive a text message to let you know when your score is available. As always, you can view your scores online if you have a personal College Board account.
If you took the SAT on the weekend, you already have a College Board account. Go to Student Score Reports and sign in with the username and password associated with your College Board online account. .
If you haven't set up a College Board account yet, it's straightforward to create one.
Sending your scores to colleges
Remember, your scores aren’t automatically sent to colleges. The choice to send them is yours. Should you decide to share your scores, the College Board will forward them to your selected colleges within 10-12 days after the scores are out. The time frame might slightly vary if you took the SAT with Essay. For a step-by-step guide on this process, review our online instructions.
Still needing help viewing your scores online? Consider our troubleshooting tips for guidance.
Still need help? Call Customer Service at 866-433-7728.