SAT Suite
Understanding your SAT Scores
If you’re trying to interpret your SAT scores, we’re here to help.
If you took the SAT on the weekend, you already have a College Board account. Go to Student Score Reports and sign in with the username and password associated with your College Board account.
Watch the video below to understand your score report if you took the SAT on a weekend.
The first thing you’ll see is your total score, which is a combination of your scores on the Reading and Writing and Math sections.
Next, you can understand your Total and Section scores in context by seeing how your scores compare to the average scores of other test takers. Depending on where you live, this might include other students in your school, district, state, country, or other students worldwide that took the SAT.
Percentile comparisons help you to understand the percentage of students scoring the same as, or lower than, you in these groups. For example, 57th percentile means that your score was the same as, or higher than, 57% of the other students in the comparison group.
In the Knowledge and Skills section, learn more about your strengths and areas you can focus on improving. This section shows your performance in the four Reading and Writing and four Math content areas and what percentage of the section each content area represents. The performance score band comes from our Skills Insight Tool, where you can view skills students at your level are typically able to demonstrate and sample questions that are typically answered correctly. If you want to improve your score, you can view skills and example questions in the next score band, with answer explanations included.
Now that you know how you did and what skills you need to work on, you can take your skills to the next level using free Official Digital SAT Prep on Khan Academy® to improve your score. You can also register to take the SAT again so you can reach your target score.
This is also a great time to start thinking about what comes next after high school—and your score report can help. The score report features “Career Insight Examples,” a list of careers that are growing in your state and connect to your score. Whether you’re curious about any of the career examples or not, the information can help you consider different paths for after high school. To find careers that reflect your interests, take the free BigFuture Career Quiz. While you’re there, you can also explore colleges, careers, and scholarships to plan your future after high school.
If you have any questions about your SAT scores, visit our website.
If you took the SAT in school on a school day, there are two ways to get your score report.
- If you provided a cell phone number when you took the SAT, you can download the BigFuture School mobile app and you’ll get a text message when your scores are available to view.
- You can also get a PDF of your score report from your school.
As always, you can view your scores online if you have a personal College Board account.
Watch the video below to understand your score report if you took the SAT in school on a school day.